Tatwa Jnana Sri Madhwacharya

Tatwa Jnana from Sri Madhwacharya, is the most rational one I feel which does not demand blind following. It urges constant study, understand, question, experience , try hard to really reach the truth with Vedas and Brahmasutras as the foundation with guidance Only if when one personally experiences, the respect and bhakti comes naturally. Not because one gets some chocolate like favours of getting over some personal problem. A true madhwa accepts problems in life as well as joys with the same spirit as an observer , as these are mere karma phala of this and earlier janmas. That account currently does not matter. Live in present and do current karma not for self, but for the wellbeing of all humanity, living beings and nature because that is the beautiful creation of the great Lord Narayana , the one and only God but present all round us, within us and within every thing that has any kind of beauty or ugliness too! A true Madhwa can never hate or ge...