Skybus & MIT Award to Rlyman
MIT innovation award for Sri Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay ia should be commended. Nothing comes easy in life. To think differently is divine gift. Some engineers seem to think of possibility of plagiarism in the work awarded in MIT. They quote Skybus and my work. But first one should know properly the story of Skybus. Then coming to the Skybus, I must frankly admit it was no innovation. In service felt anguished from the first steam loco derailment in Shahabad in 1972. Entire night as AEN stood there to restore traffic. My first month of working post. Later on witnessed loss of life and always wondered at the confidence of loco drivers driving at speeds touching 100 even on the steam locos at that time. Hardly 25 mm flange and trust in gangmen. Wanted to have the same railway but safer , one which can never derail nor coaches escape haywire or roll down slopes. Simple reconfiguration of the same proven railway bogie and coach, preventing the bogie from escaping tracks under...