Economic stimulus with initiatives in energy and infrastruture creating jobs and wealth!

Obama as President will be kick starting a massive $800b investment in energy and infrastructure. It is an excellent move to think of 5 to 7% of national economy to be used for priming the economy. Two cardinal principles, of course, I expect the wise architects of this massive conscious effort,to follow.

One is employment generation with creation of permanent assets which all the future generations would be grateful for being a wealth generator and not budget guzzler posting losses and proving to be financial burden;

secondly this opportunity should be treated as a historic golden chance to cause a paradigm shift in our life style reducing dependence on fossil fuel as much as possible.

One such massive and ideal initiative to my mind is to implement alternate gravity energy based transportation technologies of US origin, to eliminate import of 8 to 10 million barrels of oil daily, prevent spewing out of 3.5 billion tons of carbon annually while making handsome profits of 30 to 40% providing high quality service of 200 mph transportation from city to city, 60 mph transportation cargo from any point to any point and urban transportation at 60mph, generating a million jobs in green energy, all with alternate energy source gravity.(US Patent Appln. 12184151 dt 07/31/2008) This is a unique but simple technology innovation from USA with vast global implications and USA can again claim the technology leadership to free many a nation from the polluting energy from fossil fuels draining their economies and hurting the planet too with global warming.


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