Why so much of anguish for brick and mortar while losing basic enlightenment of just being humane?
The material on Taj Mahal , written by Prof. Oak, has been circulated on the internet many number of times by different people. Well actually no one denies also.. except Government of India turns a blind eye. Even when BJP was in power, they chose to keep quiet.
Same with Ayodhya-- a Muslim ASI officer confirmed to me in person , while in Goa, that when they got complete proof that it was not Babri masjid but a Hindu temple... the bosses, were told to remove the reports and he was one of the officers admonished too, that was soon after independence. Interestingly, that Muslim Officer painstakingly studied all the ancient puranas and was thorough with the vedic time scales- and was open with praise for the many orders superior knowledge base of ancients and was feeling sorry for many of his own Hindu colleagues and bosses, who take pride in not knowing their own country's ancient history. In fact he presented me with a set of his own collection of puranas--- after a debate and discussions for over two hours.
Rulers have different priorities. Truth at least is not one of them. Truth when not too palatable, is sought to be glossed over.
Anyway , we have lost our vedic knowledge, and why cry out for some silly brick and mortar structures!
A race with the most advanced culture, has now become a lost tribe, practically, living without values, and preening with pride if one has material wealth!
Personally, I would emphasise on educating ourselves in the original Sanskrit and understand the sanatana dharma rather than ape the previous invaders, and fall in to the trap of reclaiming the old monuments-- which if you truly understand our ancestors, have little meaning.