Gulf Oil spill disaster- my comments in Washington Post
Comment on: Gulf Coast reeling as BP 'top kill' effort fails at 5/30/2010 2:09 PM EDT Liquid nitrogen in tanks to be lowered down to the area and released near the blow out and around the pipe there to freeze the water body into a thick ice block stopping the gushing oil has been my suggestion to BP. Simple and effective but will give immediate relief. Having controlled ecological disasater engineering repairs can continue. Intermettent supply of liquid nitrogen will keep the frozen water mass seal at minus 30 deg . BP is not listening. Hope some one can get head of BP to listen. Comment on: BP readies mud and robots to try to plug oil well at 5/25/2010 3:47 PM EDT I would imagine the fastest solution could have been to lower 5 to 6 tankers of liquid nitrogen , arranged in circular formation to surround the oil blow out, and release remotely the hatchets. This would freeze the entire water mass around into frozen mass, not allowing any oil to leak out. It gives time to put in...