Schools in India and concertina wire barricades...

"BANGALORE: Armed guards with walkie-talkies at entrance gates 24X7. Concertina wires on iron grills on boundary walls, concealing CCTVs. Sounds like regular security at a VIP residence? Not really, this could be the school your child might soon be going to. ....."

Today our State is reluctant to punish a terrorist even after Supreme Court upheld the conviction, fearing law and order problem, as opined by Delhi State government. SO file stays back.

The uniformed men of the state do not have protection of fundamental rights even to protect themselves leave alone the citizens.

But terrorists enjoy unfettered freedom and also all the rights enshrined in our constitution and are entitled to protection by the venerable press too.

So schools and parents have to cope with the reality of the local urban mafia, the state taxes, the under the table payments to the state officials who have power to inspect and close the school, then the additional payouts to the most powerful alternate state run by the terrorists and kidnappers.

It becomes a financial analysis finally. To make capital expenditure of providing concertina wire fences and even some gunmen to directly confront the terrorists and mafia, or retain mafia services to give the protection who in turn may be having working arrangements with the terrorists.

Of course the state has no responsibility and unless the event occurs they do not step in for registering a case.

The parents and the school will decide on the fee structure to take care of such cash outflows and the school will fix the fees to have proper ROR.

All alternatives and risks will have to be evaluated and the optimum solution seems to be obvious; having concertina wire fence and gunmen cannot give the protection that can be assured by the alter state run by mafia+ terrorist organisation. May be even the under the table payments to government officials can be then saved a bit. The school will look better.. peaceful and children will not suffer the trauma of learning under such barricaded atmosphere. Also the protection will extend all the way to go back home too.

So Chidambaram's solution to barricade the school, opens up to the possibility of hiked fees by the mafia+terrorists.

Then children after education will have choice: either join the state or the alternate state run by the terrorists, who have no obligation to observe the law of land , but fully enjoy even superior rights under the law of land.

Of course they have another choice to join big business who have learnt to manage all these risks well. Every successful contractor doing the so called development works knows the unwritten rules of the game.

Survival instinct operates. The show continues. Words like being practical and worldly wise , get exchanged.

The secret is earn more and faster than you need to spend. It is all a matter of positive cash flow and RoR.


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