New Ministry of Rail Infrastructure can help progress PPP in railways
PPP projects Indian Railways> - Those who do not know can be taught if willing to learn. Those who know but unwilling to do, you cannot teach them. Our case is the later. Extreme intelligence, perhaps best in the country, and full awareness represent our railway engineers. Our finance officers too lead and head other BOT organisations successfully in the country. Our Traffic officers successfully played in the market to leverage market forces to get what their organisations which they were heading to get what they want. Our mechanical engineers too played the game of export markets. It is not a matter of knowledge. It is a matter of system. A predominantly operations & maintenance organisation designed to maintain status quo to keep the wheels running day in and day out, where even the Cabinet Minister is under tension, of getting a mid night phone call and truly scared of it, ( as confided to me by a Railway Minister, who told me it is so easy to manage other ministries but in...