Govt looks at direct role for Army against Naxals
B Rajaram Hyderabad/Herndon 2 Jun, 2010 0347hrs IST
Back seat driving by politicians made police ineffective in fighting the Maoists/Naxals. Now talking of deploying Army is fraught with lots of concerns. Army will also get demoralised soon. Rapid action forces, commando trained special units, CRPF are all well well trained but caught in the web of limited mandate as per our more than equal status of Naxals who enjoy all the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and action, including carrying arms against state(?), whereas the men in uniform suffer the indignity of having to account for every bullet that exits from his rifle and has to be extremely cautious while using his fire arms., afraid of some special investigative team of Supreme Court also going after them for some alleged abuse of power. In all likelihood being thus sandwiched between Naxals and the state law, the troops must be just playing hide and seek with the extremists. In government service act of commission can be punished but no risk at all if you do not perform. I fear Army will be wasted if deployed by the present government without giving the needed legal and moral cover. Like Sri Lankan army or Gill in Punjab, free hand with full support by press, government and law courts are needed to succeed. This can happen if we have leadership like that of Indira Gandhi. Courage of that order is lacking currently. We are living in dangerous times.