Earthquake, Japan and Karatani!

Death of capitalism as desired by the Professor Karatani ( 1), appears a distant dream for me.

Like democracy, capitalism also will enjoy TINA protection. The packaging may be different.But the essence remains: democracy is finally dictatorship of the periodically elected leadership and capitalism too is the same greed to grab by any means more than what one needs, and control using financial instruments , the natural resources, making others servile while at the same time touting that the exploited are being served!

The first sloka of Esopanishad by the first human Swayambhu Manu when we started our business of living, amply and optly describes the path each one should take , if peaceful and happy life for all has to be assured without any bubbles or economic recessions. Over the billions of years, we have proven that we just don't care for that sloka but follow our own creative genius.

The chase of humans to fulfill material needs and desires driven constantly with more and more variety and re-packaging the same old ancient greed and coveting to prevail over other human beings around and then other communities , in different forms, will continue.

Major disasters suddenly halts us in our tracks and a different community attitude is displayed. But soon, the anthropological driving forces, will gain revert back. We are helpless.

The cycles continue. Not that disasters are good for us to get a slap in face once in a way, to mend our ways, but the greedy will soon make an opportunity out of the disaster.

As the stocks fell for the nuclear energy utilities in the exchange, the stocks of construction and infrastructure companies rose by higher order comparatively , foreseeing the massive investments in that sector soon.

We are very smart.


Earthquake and Japan

Kojin Karatani

(Professor Kojin Karatani is a distinguished Japanese philosopher and

literary critic. This essay, written on March 16, 2011 and translated

into English by Seiji M. Lippit, is published by

The Hindu with the permission of the author.

Professor Karatani's biography is at


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