One step solution for India #NOSEFAGO

 Politics are bound to affect every aspect of our lives.  Governance necessarily gets  compromised with present practice of keeping  secret files after govt orders.  Many do not want to high light this aspect.

 Why? Corrupt & greedy use this with sole aim of enriching themselves. Public interest or law & order do not matter. Elections too manipulated with money, liquor and dividing electorates with selective goodies based on caste, creed etc.

The stakes of managing trillion rupee cash flows of govt, very high. All this activity prevents honest rising to power . The rule of law compromised, when govt executives can secretly interpret law , public policy and rules , hide in files misinterpretation, but issue orders dispensing justice in the process.

 Even a judge cannot do this. A society where executive enjoys such higher privilege , is dictatorship, no more a republic.

Law loses deterrence effect because of is not in the interest of law makers main objective. The dishonest governance sabotages any court proceedings hurting own interests. Further , they abuse the judicial process to settle scores against opponents. Dishonest governance hurts every one in every walk of life.

With governance raped by corrupt, failure becomes normal whenever public safety and interest are involved. That is because the main focus of those who invested in elections and won  is to recover investments and make a profit.

It is but natural for rapes to occur along with scams, law& order serving interest of the main goal of the self servers : make money at any cost to the society.

 And we keep quiet on this real cause, but keep lamenting for all ills. Wen run around like headless chicken blaming all around. Conduct candle light marches, listen to circus put up by media. They could be involved in carefully nurturing the secret of corruption, for own benefits.

 Instead , if serious about our nation, pray demand NO SECRET FILE AFTER GOVT ORDER. #NOSEFAGO

So simple a rule, but all our problems vanish like mist after sun shines. How?

Firstly, greedy and corrupt find it hard to misinterpret law and public policy to gain for self. That is because file will not be secret any more after order. With order, the file gets scanned and posted on web for you, me to scrutinise. The aggrieved, will have full documents to get legal remedy without CBI inquiry. Benefit PREVENTED to culprit.

Prevention is better than cure using investigations and courts.

So corrupt lose interest in govt power. Power becomes useful only for serving public. Today power can be used for public service only if ruler is honest. But with rule #NOSEFAGO even rascal will not be able to do anything other than public service.

We lament elections have become dirty. With #NOSEFAGO , no one tries to invest in expenses as a business deal, to capture power and make money. Elections and politics too get cleansed.

So once governance is honest, all aspects of our life automatically change for better. Law gets observed with deterrence effect real.

What prevents us from demanding this?

A govt file, not concerning national security, is purely based on public policy, public facts, to be decided on merits as per rule of law, and NOT based on secret considerations, has no justification to remain secret , even after orders are finalised to be issued to public. During processing, to prevent external influence, let confidentiality be maintained.

We can have well managed law & order, no rapes, honest governance, with just one single rule #NOSEFAGO

It is truly criminal to keep ignoring this simple solution . This is the one and only solution which solves our problems.

All those who try to hide this solution #NOSEFAGO, and offer themselves as leaders to provide honest governance are just frauds.


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