Prevention of criminal governance


1. Welcome friends. Late Justice Verma analysed & concluded failure of governance as root cause for Delhi rape

2. In my opinion it is not just failed governance, but criminal governance is at the root, corrupting all.

3. Laws can never PREVENT crime. Deterrence & fear absent under criminal governance.

4. Why so many criminals fight elections heavily investing for govt power? Obviously not for public service.

5.Trillion rupee govt cash flow , to SECRETLY allocate contracts& favour with public assets enriching selves

6. Keyword SECRET. The current process of governance allows govt to issue orders , keep file secret.

7. Stakes of managing trillion rupee cash flows of govt, very high. Corrupt prevent honest rising to power

8. The rule of law compromised, when govt executives secretly interpret rules against public interest

9. Govt issuing orders thus from secret files under law, is passing judgment in secrecy. No SC judge can do!

10. Remember every govt order is a "judgement" favouring some , denying some, in "public interest"

11. Natural for rapes to occur along with scams when law & order is under characterless criminally corrupt

12. Characterless criminal governance manipulates media and forces law & order to be useful idiots.

13. RTI many think helps. Activists even died heroically. But can it PREVENT ANYTHING?

14. the criminal governance manipulates RTI like all other acts. Then what is solution? De Bano thinking !

15. Just think : impossible to get all honest electorate or leaders who stay honest all times. We are human.

16. But corrupt's lust for governance can be converted as repulsion by tweaking process of governance .

17. The unintended benefit of keeping file secret after govt order issued, should be withdrawn.

18. No Secret File After Govt Oders #NOSEFAGO is the mantra which makes power tasteless for the corrupt.

19. With order, the order file (hardly 30 pages of noting) gets scanned and posted on web for you, me to scrutinise. Citizens empowered.

20. Public exposure like this enables civil activists to effectively block any action against public interest.

21. With all documents and notes in public domain, aggrieved can get stay of bad govt order. CORUPTION prevented

22. With no chance of getting benefit by manipulation, the govt power becomes useless for corrupt to seek.

23. It makes no sense for greedy & corrupt to invest heavily in elections to win govt power! Elections cleansed

24. Honest persons to do public service alone will now contest. The bureaucracy, corporates too get cleansed.

25. Major gain in law& order machinery. It too gets to work for honest rulers. Laws respected. Crimes fall.

26. One simple executive order is all that is needed, to modify Business Rules of Govt. Exception can be national security files.

27. Govt file decided on public policy ,in public interest has no reason to be kept secret once order issued.

28. With rule #NOSEFAGO even a rascal will not be able to do anything other than public service.

29. With this single step of No Secret File After Govt Order #NOSEFAGO , every one has equal chance to be PM

30. Difficult to change people. But process with no secret govt files after orders PREVENTS corruption.

31. India wantonly killed Indian effort, favouring foreign technology. But with honest governance this changes.

32. The power shifts to people with #NOSEFAGO and politicians & bureaucrats lose current undue importance.

33. Once criminally corrupt exit, Parliament will have debates purely for public good.

34. With #NOSEFAGO Judicial processes too get free from manipulations by CBI/Prosecutors having hidden agendas.

35. Why such a simple step overlooked by politicians, bureaucrats? Scared to lose power&prestige to people.

36. Diffused power is new generations requirement. Old feudal power centers no more workable being corruptible.

37. Depraved society when even 5 year young girl child is getting molested & criminally assaulted, is height of criminal governance.

38.Sheer lamenting , candle lights do not hurt criminally corrupt governance. #NOSEFAGO can hurt them

39. A true Republic should empower citizens directly, not hand over power to criminally corrupt .

40. Our fundamental right demand: No Secret File After Govt Order. #NOSEFAGO Prevent Criminal Governance. Thanks

सत्यं  à¤ªà¤°à¤®् धीमही
बी. राजाराम
Rajaram Bojji M.Tech. IRSE (Retd.), FIE, FNAE, AMASCE
Currently@Herndon VA  Facebook Blog:: Reflections
Cell +1 5713455048


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