Eliminate parasitic political class in all state governments.

Rajaram Bojji
Just now
Why not a system of governance where there are no elections, no political class, no red light cars? FOR STATES :
1. There shall be a secure bank of servers with data security, and communication links with software to post issues, files of govt and final briefing note by the bureaucrats, seeking final order of govt. This is normally given by the man from political class whose party must have got some 20% vote share of total population, in current party based electoral system. But now thiese servers make avalable the information to people directly on the internet. People vote for approval or disapproval what is recommended by the bureaucrats, that is the executive branch. A time of 10 days for closing each case so posed or more if required will be enough.SMS and web poll today is feasible option.
2. process of registration is similar to voter card, and each will hold their registered mobile, as the id verifier. For webpolling, the code generated by server in the mobile, can be used as verifier of the web poll marking. Or direct SMS will do.
3.With current penetration of mobiles, it is not difficult to get atlest 70 to 80% eligible voters to have acess and respond.
4. Through a statute we make this SMS to govt server, free of cost. Actually the telecom companies incur no additional cost in this data transmission.
5. The results are also automatically consolidated by the servers, and summarised for public view as well as for action by the Chief Secreary of the state.
6. The budget too as well as the tarrifs proposals of electricity or for that matter all files which need approval of Minister would thus be disposed off by the people, real people..not some representative of people, who may not represent sometimes interest of people.
7. The Police are supposed to function under law and not under the political class. Same with Judiciary.
8. Matters of promotion and posting wil be dealt by independent boards of own service member.No political class involved here. But whereever, Minister approval is prescribed by the law, it is automatically transferred, to get verdict of people through the servers.
9. Investigative agencies, do work in secrecy, even now. Political class not supposed to get involved. The courts ultimately supervise as processed under law.
10. For formal signing and physical presence for protocol to meet any delegations or taking salute, a citizen can still be elected, by a duly elected by polls on the same servers. for a period of just one year.


Jos Conil said…
I would like to share with you a similar system of governance which is participatory with provisions for referendum voting. Please read the same and give me your valuable feed back on the same

Jos Conil said…
@ Rajaram,

I would to share with you a similar, but not totally technological vision of participatory governance


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