Gravity can sustain humanity - God given gift to us! Most unwise & the greatest disservice to ignore!

Gravity is the fourth fundamental force, always attractive like God's love! The work presented here is peer reviewed in international journals and conferences, as well by international examiners of IB WIPO Geneva. Generally I have been remaining an observer and what I want to tell the world about gravity powered railways , roads,& waterways for future, I said in Paris Conference APM 2011 and now proceedings of ASCE . I give you full paper link. Related PPT Gravity Power House concept can provide entire energy requirements for planet when coupled with gravity powered transportation. The planet can be free from use of oil and coal. Then YouTube has some videos to demonstrate how the concepts work Gravity Power : WIPO too placed these concepts as published International Patent application . But I am leaving rights to the world to avail . :) I am a happy man wondering at how our planet goes round in circles and equally so ...