International Conf. Energy efficient rlys. Nov 6 New Delhi. Invitation to speak.
Hearty congrats!
Railway is doing well, particularly electrical engineering. Solar power is the way to go.
You are very kind to invite me. However I regret I won't be able to avail this opportunity.
Generally I have been remaining an observer and what I want to tell the world about energy efficient railways for future I said in Paris Conference APM 2011 and now proceedings of ASCE.
For whatever it is worth, I give you full paper link.
Related PPT
Then YouTube has some videos to demonstrate how the concepts work
Gravity Power: playlist?list= PL9A44FE114622648A
WIPO too placed these concepts as published International Patent application. But I am leaving rights to the world to avail .
:) I am a happy man wondering at how our planet goes round in circles and equally so our human intelligentsia!
Please convey my warm regards to the progressive ML , he is doing very well in the very tough environment of our all killing bureaucratic chaos, and in particular to my well wisher and friend Sri Suresh Prabhu Ji, Hon'ble Minister !
You are lucky to have him as your Minister!