World Health Organization VS savior the Pulse Oximeter
A humble pulse Oximeter is enough to restore economy and normal life defeating COVID19.
Rajaram Bojji FNAE
Abstract: From developments on Dec 31st 2019 when the first cases of SARS-V2-corona occured , Wuhan and COVID19 have become household names. World Health Organization first declared an emergency and then soon pandemic with more than 15 millons patients and 631000 deaths as on date. Lockdowns and containment zones happen repeatedly . WHO guidelines covered only symptomatic cases while being aware the majority are asymptomatic. This has led to unending cycles of lock unlock again lockdown strategies. Test, track and treat as a mantra. But once tested to be COVID negative , does not mean remain the same status. Daily testing cycles are not practical with test kits for everyone in any town. Unless economic life and activities are completely shut down and habitants confined to homes the patient count keeps growing. A catch 22 situation difficult choice : life or economy. It is shown in this paper how a nation can have both economic life and also eliminate COVID19 cases from life using just a simple pulse Oximeter.
1.0. The beginning
The first reference came on Dec 31st. (
December 31, 2020 at 2:12 p.m. EST | Informational Alert: Suspected SARS cases reported Dec. 31, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Maintain basic health precautions. )
World first heard on 31 Dec 2019. The confirmation that the virus belongs to the SARS family should have been enough not to be complacent for every nation on the planet.
Aspects of severity, quick wildfire spreading type, virulent build up and lung getting dysfunctional dropping O2 levels quickly all are well established facts known to scientists.
The previous experience should count. But apparently didn’t.
The noble Dr. Li has proved two critical characteristics to be known to work out a strategy to contain spread. That world cannot deny that they know by 31 Jan 2020.
- Highly contagious
- Asymptomatic
Next another case study in China proved conclusively asymptomatic transmission including presymptomatic transmission.
Hence it is firmly established presymptomatic patients can infect which means asymptomatic looking healthy transmit. Then how to detect?
The answer lies in the way the novel coronavirus attacks.
Going back to ZERO COVID19 case gives the basic strategy to contain .
Two important points emerge:
- Lungs severely attacked must be affecting capacity to perform own primary function of ensuring minimum oxygen saturation level in blood.
- Strangely even when such attack destroys part of lung capacity to keep O2 levels needed and hypoxia occurs; under hypoxia a person cannot be normal , playing like that boy. No symptoms! That’s strange?
2.0 Experience in New York hospitals:
On April 21st 2020 New York Times Opinion article by an experienced pulmonologist clearly described this strange phenomenon.
Dr Richard Levitan.
Dr. Richard Levitan also opined that pulse Oximeter can be more widely used.
3.0 WHO - China joint report
Then the joint WHO China report on 1April (
Extract :
The WHO missed the case study in China regarding pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic ones who were found to have full viral loads and can infect. In fact starting from Drc 31 cases reporting including zero case, asymptomatic transmission was proved beyond doubt. Common sense is before symptoms appear the virus carrying persons are asymptomatic in this virus attack. So it has to be considered a necessary condition.
4.0 The WHO guidelines on COVID19
For travel the following para brings out how ineffective is thermal scan. But still world was guided to follow only symptomatic and thermal scan as protocol. But they know fully well asymptomatic but fully infected should not be allowed to spread.
5.0 Current scenario & solution.
WHO got all healthy mixed up with infected COVID patients by allowing asymptomatic to go free escaping filters made for only symptomatic. But fortunately a slum Dharavi in India did adopt my suggestion that pulse Oximeter be used to segregate healthy with SpO2 more than 95% and let them live normally. In the slum where 20 to 30 live in a cramped quarter social distancing not possible. But healthy don’t need it. However in WHO approach social distancing is needed because infected asymptomatic are well spread randomly among the healthy. Healthy under WHO approach practically lose all normal human fundamental rights in the name of controlling the spread of COVID.
Police brutality and in developing countries situation is getting unbearable with growth of containment zones and repeated lockdowns .
The above picture typically summarizes the current status of managing the COVID. Actually WHO guidance mismanaged the case. Dharavi is the silver lining.
6.0 The proposed rational SpO2 level based COVID containment and elimination. A 90 day plan.
A controlled habitat or zone is earmarked for mass testing with door to door testing with 100’s of teams using pulse Oximeter to keep on segregating and isolating those with SpO2 less than 95%.
Follow then this protocol.
Once we set in this regime, healthy with SpO2 95% norm lead normal life without subjected to lockdown or social distancing. They travel, work and play sports as if in pre- COVID times.
Those isolated are taken care of and once they reach back healthy SpO2 levels return to normal life.
Since we are 100% screening out suspects, treat and make them well without allowing healthy to get in contact, the chain of transmission is cut 100% within say 30 to 60 days. Providing for slips, a 90 day target to make a nation free from COVID19 is feasible with the humble pulse Oximeter.
6. Had World Health Organization chosen this scientific strategy :
World wouldn’t be having virus on planet by this time. But they didn’t.

Now the world should sit up and learn to read WHO China report of Feb 24-28 2020 in detail and make own interpretation of matters of fact and judge.
Inevitable is SpO2 bio screen as universal deterrence against possible Sun Tzu strategy.
Please give back our fundamental freedoms of joy and NO social distancing creating SpO2 95% healthy zones.
6. Had World Health Organization chosen this scientific strategy :
World wouldn’t be having virus on planet by this time. But they didn’t.

Now the world should sit up and learn to read WHO China report of Feb 24-28 2020 in detail and make own interpretation of matters of fact and judge.
Inevitable is SpO2 bio screen as universal deterrence against possible Sun Tzu strategy.
Please give back our fundamental freedoms of joy and NO social distancing creating SpO2 95% healthy zones.
7. Conclusion
A bio screening in place as shown if every nation adopts the virus gets eliminated because chain of transmission gets cut 100%. And this can be done without lockdowns or social distancing harassment.
Simple pulse oximeters with SpO2% norms enough to break the chain of transmission for COVID19 within 90 days for any given region.
Simple pulse oximeters with SpO2% norms enough to break the chain of transmission for COVID19 within 90 days for any given region.
A Presentation :
B. Rajaram M.Tech., FIE., FNAE .,
Twitter : @rbojji
Reference reading :
- Twitter stream:
- Letters to govt : 1.