Humans should worry about own intelligence much more than about AI

Why Be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence When Our Own Natural Intelligence is Proven to Be More Dangerous?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) often evokes fear and skepticism, with concerns about its potential to surpass human control and cause harm. However, a closer examination reveals that our own natural intelligence, particularly in the realm of engineering and technology, has already proven to be significantly dangerous to humanity. This essay explores the paradox of fearing AI while our own creations, designed by highly qualified engineers and technologists, have led to critical issues in transportation systems, resulting in numerous fatalities, injuries, and environmental damage.

 The Perils of Human-Engineered Transportation Systems

Every year, approximately 1.5 million people die and about 50 million suffer grievous injuries due to transportation-related incidents¹. These staggering numbers highlight the inherent dangers in our current transportation systems, which are plagued by congestion, pollution, and inefficiency. Cities like Los Angeles, Kolkata, and Mumbai are notorious for their heavily congested roads, high carbon emissions, and unbearable wait times to reach destinations. Moreover, these systems are unreliable during extreme weather conditions such as heavy snow, hurricanes, or floods, often cutting off vast communities from emergency services.

The financial burden of maintaining and improving these systems is immense. High capital and running costs make them unaffordable for many users, necessitating substantial subsidies from taxpayers. Despite these investments, there is no guarantee of safety or efficiency, leaving humanity to struggle with a flawed system.

Proven Solutions Ignored

It is not that engineering solutions to these problems do not exist. Since 2005, India has had access to a revolutionary transportation solution thanks to the efforts of visionary leaders like Dr. Abdul Kalam and Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Supported by funds and allowed to demonstrate their efficacy, these solutions have been proven to meet physical science standards and tested norms. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and international journals have published work on these innovations, and channels like National Geographic and Discovery covered them in 2005².

One such solution is detailed in the book "Future of Land Transportation" by Rajaram Bojji, published in 2024³. This book describes advanced technologies and engineering designs that can eliminate the issues plaguing current transportation systems. It provides examples of worldwide routes and explains how existing systems can be dismantled to save lives and property. Despite the availability of these solutions, policy makers have continued to invest in traditional, flawed infrastructure projects, resulting in close to 30 million fatalities and a billion disabled people over the past 20 years⁴.

 The Role of Policy Makers and Environmental Groups

Policy makers' stubbornness in sticking to outdated transportation solutions has not only wasted vast national wealth but also failed to address the core issues. Meanwhile, environmental groups continue to advocate for land and fossil fuel conservation and raise concerns about global warming. However, their efforts often seem to miss the mark, as they do not address the root causes of transportation-related problems.

Logically, wealth is added to society if a project can service its capital and generate surpluses. Yet, humans continue to adopt financially unsustainable infrastructure projects, even when better solutions are available. This irrational behavior underscores the dangers of relying solely on human intelligence, which has proven to be flawed and shortsighted.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Given the proven dangers of our own natural intelligence, it is worth considering whether AI could offer a solution. AI has the potential to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and propose efficient, sustainable solutions that humans might overlook. However, the fear remains that AI could also lead to unintended consequences if not properly controlled.

The key lies in balancing the use of AI with human oversight. AI can complement human intelligence by providing data-driven insights and optimizing systems, but it should not replace human judgment entirely. By leveraging AI's strengths and addressing its potential risks, we can create a more efficient and safer transportation system.


In conclusion, while the fear of AI is understandable, it is important to recognize that our own natural intelligence has already caused significant harm through flawed transportation systems. The availability of proven engineering solutions, such as those described by Rajaram Bojji, offers hope for a safer and more efficient future. By embracing AI and combining it with human oversight, we can address the shortcomings of our current systems and create a better world for future generations. It is time for policy makers and society as a whole to think critically and adopt solutions that prioritize human safety and environmental sustainability.

¹: [Source](

²: [Source](

³: [Source](

⁴: [Source](

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/30/2024

(1) A new perspective to solve urban transportation | Rajaram Bojji | TEDxIITHyderabad.

(2) Skybus principles.

(3) Evolution of Land Transportation 3500 BC - 2020 | History of Land Transportation, Documentary video.

(4) Future of Land Transportation: Never a life be lost , future gravity ....

(5) Rajaram Bojji - YouTube.

(6) Future of Land Transportation: Never a life be lost , future gravity ....

(7) undefined.

(8) undefined.


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