Maket behaviour- electronically enforced processess for reducing human discretion of regulators
Most of our scientific knowledge fail to explain the why part-but only try to describe and fail rigorous test of cause and effect relation ships. Surprisingly logic has the fallacy described as post hoc ergo propter hoc which roughly means after this, therefore because of this...But all our knowledge if you introspect deeply, falls under this category. Trends can be foreseen but not spikes and timing. But what can be monitored is the ethical governance which is within human control, and which when we over look on a massive scale, can result in the current stock market melt down. Instead of describing the symptoms accurately with mathematical models, if we look for underlying driving forces and how the initial innocent belief that market forces will work in unbiased manner FAIRLY, is not proven sound and we do need HONEST regulation, not human based but may be digitally enforced ruthlessly, all will be better off. Interestingly if you mandate a group of us to lay down a process, we all do it very well but when one or two of us are asked to implement the same, discretion and human weaknesses allow the process to be compromised initially as one time exception and then the precedence slowly opens the flood gates of vitiating the process totally! Entropy is real in human ethical behavior while once we accept the process to be implemented by un-emotional silicon chips, this danger is eliminated. Yes some will crib that creativity will be stunted. But we observe that creativity is always viewed with suspicion in all other human endeavors except financial world, unless proven beyond doubts by the society, to protect itself. Society hence must now learn to restrict the over zealous and daily creativity obsessed boys walking out of our business schools through electronically enforced ethical practices. Human regulators fail for obvious reasons. No amount of covering tracks explaining away by mathematical models based on different assumptions can replace simple observance of basic value based systems and enforcement in the markets for balanced and sustainable growth. Else this bleeding periodically appears the only way to correct our thinking and after sometime we go back to our old ways till next bleeding session.