Are we experiencing life in a world already extinct millions of years ago?

It’s not rare that my mind feels we are actually living in a world that might have been extinct millions of years ago!

    As per Vishnu Sahasra Namam, part of Mahabharata authored by Sri Vedavyasa, Brahma praises his own father Sri Vishnu as Sahasra Yuga Dharane namaha . That if we take as life time for Brahama from his own birth before start of creation and own liberation annihilating the entire creation to join that realm which has no cycles of birth and death. —-ever present abode of Sri Narayana as per Brahmasutra and described in Sri Bhagavad Gita too. That is 1000x10^7x4.32 m or 10^16 solar years.  

     The time scale of Sri Vishnu who is said to create and maintain this universe merely by a wish within less than a second of His time . This translates as the equivalent to 10^16 solar years is my submission. This is followed by equal time period of yoga Nidra or entire universe transformed back in to suspended particles. So the process of creation and destruction continues eternally. It is stated that one who reaches the state of liberation in Vaikuntha can simultaneously be able to see the past , present and future. That means the different worlds created remain accessible as permanently saved versions.

    For me, I could be in one of those versions. That means what happened and what is going to happen or what is happening in the universe is exactly what has to happen and nothing otherwise can happen. This is corroborated by Sri Vedavyas in Mahabharata . Again in Viswaroopa Sri Krishna shows how all those who are going to start the epic war are killed already by HIM the kala swaroopa. Arjuna was merely an instrument acting the role of killer. Living a past event as his present.

     What is present for me actually is past I am experiencing as present and all the results and consequences I plan to get as a result current karma , cannot be of my doing because they already had happened and whatever I try cannot change it. That brings the strong advice of Sri Krishna , you can only do your karma as ordained but do not have strong expectations of results …only Sri krishna decides what you get. 

    Actually the lesson at the end of 18 chapters of Sri Bhagavad Gita to surrender totally to Sri krishna and follow Satvik path of Dharma with core belief in caring for fellow beings with kindness in heart . 

    Truly the realisation of the absolute truth is insisted upon in all Upanishads . Aitereya starts with Esha Panthah, etat karma, etat Brahma and etat Satyam ; meaning the path you adopt is Narayana, the karma is narayana and the truth absolute truth is Jnana brahma one understands then Satyam is ultimate reality of dissolution—-all prefixed. 

    This realisation does not mean we just leave all karma ans sit pretty or escape all responsibilities. I believe the circumstances the creator presents forces every one to act as needed . The motivation and nature of a person driven by greed or by noble intention will decide which path one is destined to take ; one of progressive liberation or eternal cycle of births and deaths with no scope of liberation . Mind you I too have infinite life time with no origin nor end . Question is I aspire for eternal ananda , bliss with no trace of misery or pain . Rest of every temporary joys have inbuilt pain of a misery , anguish necessarily to be suffered. 

The famous debates about free will and matters of choice cannot be overlooked. In this understanding of absolute truth the free will exists and matter of choice too but even that is under absolute control of the Kalaswarupa, Sri Narayana . The famous energy of Mayadevi & the all pervading Vishnu energy create and control the cognition of so called freedom of any one. All the famous or infamous Hiranyakasipu
to Duryodhan exercised own free will !

In conclusion the jnana , the absolute truth makes one yearn for reaching Sri Narayan , the ultimate truth. So keep Sri Krishna happily dancing within heart and do day to chores for His pleasure only. Then one is aligned with the driving force for the universe. In this path there is nothing like failure or success but full ananda of doing the will of Sri Krishna! 

    To the limited extent of my learning of ancient scriptures from our esteemed Sri Madhwa teachings enunciated by Sri Jayateertha Acharya, Sri Raghavendra Swamy, Sri Viswesara Teertha, Sri Satya Pramoda Teertha and Sri Satyatma Teertha . Grateful to the erudite explanations and conveying the secrets of our scriptures in their lectures , particularly Sri Mahuli Vidyasimhachar, Sri Prabhanjanachar, and Sri Govinda Bananjee Acharyas 


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