Arrow of time and singularities inthe time -space continuum: some answers from ancient wisdom of India

Arrow of time and singularities in the time-space
continuum: some answers from ancient wisdom
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 17
By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together form the duration
of Brahma's one day. And such also is the duration of his night.
Let me try to understand how I can relate this ancient wisdom of ours to
understand some current anomalies in cosmological theories struggling with
singularities and vanishing time arrows.
Kalpa, Maha yuga may be understood as:
Years Solar (My suggestion Disorder rate degree)
Satya(krita) 1728000 ( 0.25 )
Thretha 1296000 ( 0.33 )
Dwapara 864000 ( 0.5)
Kali 432000 ( 1)
total 4320000 Solar years
One make over and renewal happens to restart Satya yuga
but a major destruction climate based(?) may occur for
destroying and restarting of humanity and civilisation again with
Satya order, from which position disorder will again commence.
Since along the arrow of time, entropy has to increase we may consider:
the rates of change different for different time periods
Vedic ancient wisdom says relatively Satya is charactersied by more order
and disorder progressively increase from Treta, Dwapara in to Kali( current one).
Almost 8.34 lac species are involved in living beings as per the
ancient wisdom and evolution takes place over the 4.32 b years.
A thousand cycles later the long night starts-- but then at this time all
universe physically visible also becomes invisible entire univ will be held
in hibernation or goes into a small dot of infinitesimal size. That is
4.32 b years we find this cycle and again for 4.32 b years the space is
empty and dark. But arrow of time continues.
But at this stage there is till a space area left untouched by arrow of time
of non-physical world remains a mute spectator to the happening and
awaiting re-awakeing
This non-physical world will await the life time of 100 brahma years
which is equivalent to 315 trillion years, when can we say including
the no-physical universe, along with the physical one will be totally
and completely annihilated to leave just nothing but the indestructible
and indescribable energy and energy alone without any manifestation.
Will it last another 315 trillion years? And then first year of a new Brahma
manifests to last another 100 Brahma years, beginning of the new
arrow of time even for the spiritual world of a length of 315 trillion years.
So when we think of early pictures of infrared imaging of baby universe
constructed from Hubble images, one should think in terms of multiples
of 4.32 b years, that is 8.64b , 12.96b, 17.28b etc
Or singularities in the space-time fabric , and arrows of time suddenly
vanishing should occur at these intervals
So multiple time arrows not necessarily following in sequence but
shooting off in a different direction every time it starts till ends after
4.32 b /8.64 b years can be visualized
It looks like at any give time only one arrow of time may exist by
intuition but multiple worlds emerge and vanish a thousand times before
the arrow ceases.
So for one living on one of the manifestations of such a world, ( the current
one we are in) is counted on the above scale as the one occuring at mid day
of Brahma, of one such arrow, the beginning being about 4.32b years/2, or
we may see, this manifestation started 2.16 b years ago( 500 mahayuga ago)
and will go through another 500 cycles, each of 4.32 m years.
As I am writing, is having balance of 432000- 5500 years, that is 426700 years
to go before existing world as we know gets a total upheaval and entropy set back.
But it is not total annihilation. A make over of cataclysmic proportion for the
species taking us back to Satya yuga order of entropy.
But still night fall is away ; 2.16 b years ! We vanish along with all planets
solar system and stars into some infinitesimal space. This time arrow ends for us.
Then during Brahmas night, the arrow of time is still ticking, but arrow is not
there! That is over 4.32 b years there is no directional arrow of time.
This is only as far as the living and non living manifested universe.
But for the spiritual non-physical world the arrow continues, whose length is
315 trillion years
continuum: some answers from ancient wisdom
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 17
By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together form the duration
of Brahma's one day. And such also is the duration of his night.
Let me try to understand how I can relate this ancient wisdom of ours to
understand some current anomalies in cosmological theories struggling with
singularities and vanishing time arrows.
Kalpa, Maha yuga may be understood as:
Years Solar (My suggestion Disorder rate degree)
Satya(krita) 1728000 ( 0.25 )
Thretha 1296000 ( 0.33 )
Dwapara 864000 ( 0.5)
Kali 432000 ( 1)
total 4320000 Solar years
One make over and renewal happens to restart Satya yuga
but a major destruction climate based(?) may occur for
destroying and restarting of humanity and civilisation again with
Satya order, from which position disorder will again commence.
Since along the arrow of time, entropy has to increase we may consider:
the rates of change different for different time periods
Vedic ancient wisdom says relatively Satya is charactersied by more order
and disorder progressively increase from Treta, Dwapara in to Kali( current one).
Almost 8.34 lac species are involved in living beings as per the
ancient wisdom and evolution takes place over the 4.32 b years.
A thousand cycles later the long night starts-- but then at this time all
universe physically visible also becomes invisible entire univ will be held
in hibernation or goes into a small dot of infinitesimal size. That is
4.32 b years we find this cycle and again for 4.32 b years the space is
empty and dark. But arrow of time continues.
But at this stage there is till a space area left untouched by arrow of time
of non-physical world remains a mute spectator to the happening and
awaiting re-awakeing
This non-physical world will await the life time of 100 brahma years
which is equivalent to 315 trillion years, when can we say including
the no-physical universe, along with the physical one will be totally
and completely annihilated to leave just nothing but the indestructible
and indescribable energy and energy alone without any manifestation.
Will it last another 315 trillion years? And then first year of a new Brahma
manifests to last another 100 Brahma years, beginning of the new
arrow of time even for the spiritual world of a length of 315 trillion years.
So when we think of early pictures of infrared imaging of baby universe
constructed from Hubble images, one should think in terms of multiples
of 4.32 b years, that is 8.64b , 12.96b, 17.28b etc
Or singularities in the space-time fabric , and arrows of time suddenly
vanishing should occur at these intervals
So multiple time arrows not necessarily following in sequence but
shooting off in a different direction every time it starts till ends after
4.32 b /8.64 b years can be visualized
It looks like at any give time only one arrow of time may exist by
intuition but multiple worlds emerge and vanish a thousand times before
the arrow ceases.
So for one living on one of the manifestations of such a world, ( the current
one we are in) is counted on the above scale as the one occuring at mid day
of Brahma, of one such arrow, the beginning being about 4.32b years/2, or
we may see, this manifestation started 2.16 b years ago( 500 mahayuga ago)
and will go through another 500 cycles, each of 4.32 m years.
As I am writing, is having balance of 432000- 5500 years, that is 426700 years
to go before existing world as we know gets a total upheaval and entropy set back.
But it is not total annihilation. A make over of cataclysmic proportion for the
species taking us back to Satya yuga order of entropy.
But still night fall is away ; 2.16 b years ! We vanish along with all planets
solar system and stars into some infinitesimal space. This time arrow ends for us.
Then during Brahmas night, the arrow of time is still ticking, but arrow is not
there! That is over 4.32 b years there is no directional arrow of time.
This is only as far as the living and non living manifested universe.
But for the spiritual non-physical world the arrow continues, whose length is
315 trillion years