Adarsh Society-- only a symptom of deeper malaise

But why people are acting so surprised? Three years ago a NGO pointed out the same scam of Adarsh Society. No one cared. This time an innocent journalist put it on TImes Now, and for some reason seems to have escaped the usual editorial scrutiny preventing such major exposure. The storm caught every one by surprise.

It is common knowledge that we are not too serious about ethics in governance. Till caught and exposed badly, you can do anything. The secret is not to get caught. The punishment follows for getting caught.

It is tiresome to to see the hypocrites writing all kinds of essays expressing great surprise and shock.

Today even high school student wryly dismisses these empty words, as I find in my chat with an youngster.

After a few weeks, the news value is over and people return back to their normal business, just like we do in railways after an accident and a few deaths, express shock and announce inquiries and promise remedial solutions, start running trains as usual and forget all we said till next incident. We keep repeating the same.

So the show goes on. The Secretary Adarsh Society will miss his Padma award, by this episode. That is the maximum punishment that he will get.

Both media and the politicians/bureaucrats play their games well, fooling us. The relaxed smiles of Suresh Kalmadi, Ashok Chavan contrast with the glum face of Antony as I see today live in AICC session live. Antony I know personally, a clean plotocian, who used to walk down to canteen to have his Dosa, even as CM. His wife used to wait for an auto to go to school! CM's wife! He called Cabinet meeting and heard me regarding Skybus with full cabinet in session, and cleared my project for Kochi! Of course he is good. SO he did not last long. Now he will have to cover up the culprits--- a task he won't like perhaps. So I can understand his glum face.

We also will move on to our problem of inflated telephone bill , and how to tackle the electrical bill which appears to be unfair. The effort to locate the office and the concerned "bade sab", without the use of agent/broker, can keep you going round in circles.

This bigger crisis and problem for an individual, will leave little time to worry about the doings, right or wrong, of the too far away and too highly placed authorities going round in bullet-proof cars with AK 47 security.

Cheers and Happy Deepavali!


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