Ram and I

Frankly I am a bit amused at the way so much debate is taking place on whether Sri Ram was born or whether there is historical proof for the same or whether any evidence to satisfy modern evidence act is available.

A nation wide presence of Ram in the hearts of millions humans, and the literature and songs and love going back to time immemorial , gets dismissed as illiterates' illusion or make believe.

Treta Yuga and Kaliyuga separated by more than a hundred thousands of years, should make one wonder , why we try to be happy to place a time frame of 6 to 7 thousand years ago for the Ramayana.

Cyclical time periods and eras described by ancients are much beyond the concept of single arrow of time and of late only, multi-verse and multiple arrows of time are beginning to become acceptable for the westerners and so to our educated, who in the same breath dismiss our ancients' description of time.

The evidences can only in the form of geological aberrations-- time has a way of destroying many of the man made methods of preserving history in terms of man made structures. So an odd moolika from Himalaya, not belonging to local biological family, found in Lanka gently points one to ponder.Or the geological formation linking Lanka and main land, with stones having some odd floating tendencies.

But shruti, oral tradition of passing on from generation to generation , ancient history has better chance of survival even over hundreds of thousands of years.

We humans are limited with boundaries set by our perceptions dictated by modern education, and arrogant dependence on emerging and evolving western knowledge which is still learning by trial and error methods. With each discovery our knowledge is redefined.

Our knowledge is based on physical sciences totally devoid of non-material world behaviour rules. Attempting to analyse and understand the non-physical world using the nascent laws of physical sciences, is like using a candle to discover the sun.

Awareness , a mental elevation in to a non-physical world of spiritual dimensions, defying the vocabulary we have, is far beyond those who are so proudly blinded by their own so called rational analysis. In fact the excessive faith placed on rules we developed ourselves. makes us equally dogmatic about holding on to our methods of learning like those whom they accuse of blind faith, to the exclusion of accepting there could be alternative approach of human development.

In fact holistic knowledge combining both non-physical and physical world is available in Bhagavad Gita. Then we have our candle to pass righteous judgement and dismiss what we cannot throw light using our candle of knowledge, as dark & irrational. Our judgment in no way lowers the absolute brightness of the sun. It is available for those who seek humbly.

Just closing eyes, consciously saying silently in mind, simple Ram,Ram, without gap and soon one finds the mind cleared off all stray thoughts and an awareness of the other non-physical world controlling emerges.

But most of us live in denial. We believe in the physical world too much to the exclusion of the non-material world. I am not saying the physical world is false. It is real what we live in. But it is important to realise that we are not so blinded by the reality that we disbelieve non-material world surrounding us and it is as much a reality to become aware of.

Most of the time I delete the mails discussing very expertly and passing comments authoritatively on matters they know little. Rama and Ram are too much beyond the understanding of these educated blind.

Sir, it is better to avoid these polluting mails which cast aspersions and disturb one's equanimity.

Wonder if the same experts dare apply the same rational norm and write about other more militant religions which show no tolerance.

In our case it is not religion. It is knowledge and a much superior one at that. So these pot shots taken by ignorants masquerading as knowledgeable , do not matter.

The flickering candles, arrogantly proud of their little flames, pass in time , thinking they have put the sun in its place.

These critics calling themselves rationalists, lack one fundamental human quality-- not sensitive to feelings of others. They think they have right to hurt others. No one is forcing them to accept what a particular group believes and practices, without impinging on other's rights follow their own path. But then why not return the courtesy?

Ram is eternal. The stones and mortar of Ayodhya do not represent Him. Temples are mere man's way of showing his small mind to confine the eternal truth and jnana in to a physical entity for own comfort.

Paradoxically an average human is actually scared of that unrestrained freedom and liberation that comes from entry in to the non-physical spiritual universe. He loves to keep the bonds and remain bonded trapped in to own cage of limited thinking and bounded space and time.

Comfort of known rules and we are happy to rue too !.


Sir This is first day I got to know about you from NGC skybus program.and truly I have become big fan of your's

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