Youth of India struggle against dishonest in government as well in own leaders in their movement to cleanse our society?
Whenever I look at the way youth of India like you, working so hard and so sincerely trying to solve whatever problem comes in your way. to help the helpless, my heart goes out for you.
What hurts me and makes me angry too, is the way the corrupt meantime, invest in elections as a simple business deal, to get government under their control, and then make use of the magic tool of keeping the files secret from public, but issue orders to loot us left and right. Then they also get protected by the same government policy of holding the file secret, hiding the documnets so that the aggrieved cannot get justice in time. That lso gives them time to erase evidence and escape.
Once the corrupt get money in hand they become stronger, seduce all the regulatory systems and manipulate press and even the NGOs who come up to fight them.
The simplest requirement that government must publish the full file with every govt order made public ,[ obviously secret orders are not required to be made public] , can make our life different. An aggrieved will have full file to iimediately seek legal redressal. SO in real time we can prevent the corrupt from making money. Stay orders can be easily obtained from a court for a bad order.
But alas, to add insult to injury, the leaders spearheading movement against corruption, even persons like Kiran Bedi and Aravind Kejriwal, act like the Prime Minister's office- refuse to even discuss.debate or respond why they do not want this simple solution. It is not against Janlokpal. A level playing field for getting justice for a citizen aggrieved by the government order, why we should not demand? Publish file with order should be a simple demand which Kiran Bedi and Aravind can agree to demand along with Janlokpal. To implement this demand no separate Act is needed.
It is adding insult to injury, that our own leaders too do not want make this simple demand which can transform our governance. Once corrupt do not find any means to make money from the government, they leave the government power. That helps people like you. It is so unfortunate of this nation that corrupt seems to get support even from those who claim to be fighting them. Asking corrupt to make money and then flee and later we will have batallion of forces to chase you to put up a cop-thief game show is not an honest move, by our leaders, I believe.
What hurts me and makes me angry too, is the way the corrupt meantime, invest in elections as a simple business deal, to get government under their control, and then make use of the magic tool of keeping the files secret from public, but issue orders to loot us left and right. Then they also get protected by the same government policy of holding the file secret, hiding the documnets so that the aggrieved cannot get justice in time. That lso gives them time to erase evidence and escape.
Once the corrupt get money in hand they become stronger, seduce all the regulatory systems and manipulate press and even the NGOs who come up to fight them.
The simplest requirement that government must publish the full file with every govt order made public ,[ obviously secret orders are not required to be made public] , can make our life different. An aggrieved will have full file to iimediately seek legal redressal. SO in real time we can prevent the corrupt from making money. Stay orders can be easily obtained from a court for a bad order.
But alas, to add insult to injury, the leaders spearheading movement against corruption, even persons like Kiran Bedi and Aravind Kejriwal, act like the Prime Minister's office- refuse to even discuss.debate or respond why they do not want this simple solution. It is not against Janlokpal. A level playing field for getting justice for a citizen aggrieved by the government order, why we should not demand? Publish file with order should be a simple demand which Kiran Bedi and Aravind can agree to demand along with Janlokpal. To implement this demand no separate Act is needed.
It is adding insult to injury, that our own leaders too do not want make this simple demand which can transform our governance. Once corrupt do not find any means to make money from the government, they leave the government power. That helps people like you. It is so unfortunate of this nation that corrupt seems to get support even from those who claim to be fighting them. Asking corrupt to make money and then flee and later we will have batallion of forces to chase you to put up a cop-thief game show is not an honest move, by our leaders, I believe.