World loves corruption! It is fun with risks & rewards!

Some realities about corruption, Indians love & hate !

1. There is one and the only solution to PREVENT corruption in govt. But no one, wants it.

2. The solution is scan & web post  the file and order finalised  No technical challenges here. Simple.

3. But no one wants it.

4. Govt obviously , because , secret file makes governance mysterious & enjoy a sense of power over citizens , who unfairly dealt with have to seek justice from govt.

5. The secrecy of file allows self seekers to violate public interest and favour arbitrarily, for return, and hence govt power is lovely.

6. Elections become a huge business and expenditure benefits media, many small scale industries, liquor trade, transportation business, generally carnival festival for electorate with cash freely flowing. Lots of fun. This will dry out with the solution in 1. So even people do not really want to see corruption go away.

7. Various laws enacted to catch after corruption is committed are more in the nature of cop-thief games we used to play as children. As adults we continue to play and enjoy. It is a run with hurdles placed to add to excitement. Same with RTI which keeps some less wise people , fully engaged in the game of going in circles without ever reaching the secret evil.

8. Media , retired service persons, bureaucrats, CBI, lawyers, courts all enjoy the sweet fruits of corruption : black money generated gives Advt money, foreign trips, when exposed , putting up a shown of circus how to catch the culprit. Channels track stories from Delhi, to Rome , to London, Paris, New York, Cayman Islands, Swiss resorts, Malaysia, Hongkong ...well around the globe with CBI too moving all over the world. Decades pass for each exposure. This keeps people diverted happily .

9  Courts too happily are engaged, inquiry commissions, adjourned cases, grant of bails, increased number of special fast court judges, etc etc.

10. New political parties claiming to fight corruption arise but careful not to kill the golden goose. Only a few more laws & cops to raise risk-reward stakes. More excitement for the players.

11. The total direct and indirect employment opportunities are more than those involved in doing them scam.

So no sane Indian will like a solution which removes fun in life. Corruption will continue to thrive keeping all of us happy, what ever be the pretensions we put up.

Rajaram Bojji  FIE., FNAE
+91 9885700007


Unknown said…
What is prevalent in India is in different forms in most countries. The question is where is the escape route? Are we in a catch 22 situation?
Unknown said…
Funny at the outset, but deeply disturbing. How can we come out of this Catch 22 situation?

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