SKYBUS RAIL : The unique disruptive rail technology of this century.

It is yet to hit experts of railways , that an innocent simple reconfiguration of railway technology elements in 2004 and and World’s First run on Sept 15 2004 of Skybus in Goa, ( ) actually ushered in a mile stone, which I myself did not realize full implications at that time. Many centuries of derailing, capsizing and colliding railways which we had been using with expensive mitigating measures, suddenly becomes obsolete. Even in 2022 there are are hundreds of incidents in the world even in the most advanced railway systems and human lives lost. In 2005, once dynamic tests confirmed safety and more comfortable running of Skybus Rail, the entire world railways stand obsolescent. To say the 175 year old , evolved highspeed rail too now , is obsolete is shocking . But matters of fact stare at any rational person, to gloss over. ...