The Skybus Rail of India has made entire world railway technology incl 360 kmph obsolete!

I joined the prestigious Indian Railway Service of Engineers on the 24th December 1970, from IIT Kharagpur after my post graduation. Over 35 years before retiring in 2005 , had very fulfilling service time which included construction of the prestigious 760 km of Konkan Railway and operating the new railway as an independent head, from1990 to 2005. But the number of accidents and deaths on World railways disturbed my conscience deeply and searched for a  solution to make railway 100% guaranteed against human casualties. My first paper was in 1989 in Bologna Italy but in India I finally converted my dream into a reality. This resulted in Skybus Rail ..disrupting technology for the world railways. Disrupting because it is impossible for coaches to crash into each other or turn turtle because of derailment! And it is impossible for bogie to derail or escape the track!! 

  UIC should immediately see that current 360 kmph rail technology should be reconfigured along with any other metro rail expansion , to adopt the safest and the most easily doable solution for cutting down fossil fuel vehicles from roads , helping save our planet from climate change issues. 

The railway technology as the world practiced over 200 years stands obsolete , on 15 Sept 2004 with this world’s first run of Skybus Rail !

This movie shows the technical details of the pilot project construction for safety testing 

Dynamic safety assurance : Oscillation trial results as per Indian Railway Standards 

Derailment cannot occur 

The coaches cannot crash into each other even if all train control systems fail. 



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