Skybus Rail tech can transport people, cargo, military tanks in Himalayan ghats..typical example NH7 Dehradun to Badrinath temple and beyond !

 Badrinath temple in Himalayas of India is at 3300 m elevation. The tools available in Skybus Rail tech are traversers, turntable, lift functionalities. No fixed signals. The entire track is well protected against snow obstructions. Please see in the previous post more details and videos about Skybus Rail .

Here pictorially a preliminary feasibility report is made how to locate the traversers , turn tables and lifts . 

Generally between Joshimath to Badrinath within 45 km from 1845 m to 3300 m reached..about 30 m per km rise. That means between 30 to 45/ traverser lifts of 30m lift capacity , so that Skybus is never allowed to climb at steeper than 1 in 150 slope .Actual field investigation needed. But the implication is at least 20 to 30 sec additional time added in the run. 

Between Dehradun to Destination turn tables of the order of 30 to 40 expected. So Assuming a total of 100 of traversers, additional 50 to 60 min need to be added to running time. 

The Skybus units have very high acceleration and deceleration rates, so that between traversers assuming 500m minimum spacing on average , average speed of 55 to 60 kmph can designed. Unlike normal railway , Skybus can bring into action 8 wheels of derailment arrestors , to provide additional rubber tyre on concrete traction which designers can factor in , to get performance hitherto unexpected from pure rail adhesion and friction limits. 

Doorstep to doorstep travel is possible with Skybus Rail ..flexible to follow roads. 

Transit time to reach the front entrance of Badrinath temple from Dehradun is 6hr 30min instead of 10hrs .


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