A reform for government process for procurement or works or licensing public assets

Government has to decide a large number of contracts for works and supplies. To ensure protection of govt interest , a plethora of rules and regulations are made. Committees of officers from multi-disciplines pore over secret files, constantly worried about vigilance or audit destroying their future career prospects while required to meet what the top brass desires. 

The system can be simplified by removing the requirements of tender committees complex tender committee proceedings & secret files.

The entire render papers made available on web, with all conditions, pre-discussed with potential vendors, incorporating all view points, and making it clear no changes permitted once posted finally for bidding.

In all cases, the quote can be reduced to putting down a percentage above or below the standard schedule of rates contained in the schedule for various items.

This schedule can also be prepared in consultation with established vendors , factoring in latest accepted numbers as available. Statistical medians chosen to rate for each item.

Cases like sale of assets require highest bidder, and cases like procurement or works execution need lowest bidder.

From pre-qualified bidders, quotes obtained on secure servers, all made visible once all finish quoting , visible to all bidders, and the highest or least quote as the case may be,eliminated from next round of bidding.

The rest now bid, knowing the previous quotes of others, and not to become the highest/least, because of fear of getting eliminated.

The process is repeated , till only one is left, who becomes the winner. The process is completed within 3 hours window on the nominated day for award of tender.

Even the standard schedule of rates, conditions of payments, specifications are all decided by involving vendors over a series of meetings before freezing the tender.

This saves the govt the needless stress and secret file back stabbing operations officers undergo.

Automatically govt gets best deal..


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