Executive secretly executing law, destroys justice , grants undue riches, corrupts society

A country having democratic govt, with executives of govt secretly executing law, to own & ruler's whims and fancies 

1. Denies justice by delay
2. Makes select groups richer beyond normal levels 
3. Farmers like in Vidarbha keep committing suicides , getting only empty promises
4. Brave soldiers & jawans lay down lives , but their families get humiliated
5. Criminal elements in society get free hand, sure of lax law & order
6. Electoral process distorted by corrupt practices with money & liquor freely flowing
7. Electorate by design divided by offering selectively based on caste & creed, offering appeasement
8. Sophisticated perception management strategies make intellectuals and media opinion makers useful idiots making them support the rulers who ever they may be
9. SENSEX rules


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