My India over 60 years: Riches flow, hourly rapes and candle light marches only as retaliation!

Incredible India where riches flow with hourly rapes and candle light marches only as retaliation instead of correcting Govt. Business Rule!

Sports, technology,safety on streets,roads& rlys, honour of women India losing, to allow govt keep all files secret. 

Govt manages the country's largest cash flow running in to hundreds of billions rupees in India. Even more valuable assets like land, spectrum, sea ports, roads, involving PPP projects with trillion rupee investments too get allocated under law by govt.

Strange is while a judge cannot interpret law of the land secretly, the executive in govt can. So this loophole where under law , public policy and rules made there under, can be secretly interpreted , is what keeps the evil in nation to seek and garner government power. The secret interpretation allows them to quietly undermine public purpose, to serve private interests. 

The confidence levels over the years increased in misuse of this loophole, leading to ballooning of ill gotten wealth.

The stakes are so high, to get the control over this loophole, elections are vitiated without any concern to values nor morals Managing vote banks becomes critical. So electorate are dividends on caste and creed basis, appeasement selectively offered whether larger interest of society is serves or not. Nurturing loyal vote banks with favours whether due or not , at the expense of larger good , is practiced.

This process over the years, thoroughly vitiated sense of values inn society. Quick money , fast track undeserved growth using govt. made corporates and individuals willing partners to nurture and sustain this loophole of secretly interpreting public policy, to pass orders, actually violating the policy interests. 

Media too got managed in similar fashion and with every one that matters getting a share, the system became a self sustaining and self protecting evil, growing by day.

Now we evolved in to society where then role model evil govt, made the state dysfunctional, facilitating easy ways to do what one enjoys , without fear of law & order. The state progressively becomes dysfunctional.

When sudden spontaneous mass protests arise, who do not have any clue, as to what is hurting and why it is happening, that innocent sister or daughter became victim of the evil system which destroyed values in society, govt leaders and media kindly assist with due sympathy and promise stronger laws and compensations to families. But intellectuals offer only symbolic remedies, while carefully not allowing the root cause for evil to sustain and survive, to be exposed. 

Under evil rule any law is just a piece of paper. 

The executive who can secretly interpret law, certainly is more privileged than a judge, who has to publicly give full reasons and pass orders. Again the order can be challenged and for that time is allowed.

But executive order cannot be stopped and takes effect immediately. To stop one needs file, but it is secret. So it will take long years to get any case filed. But damage is over. 

Understand. Demand file with order be public as your fundamental right.

 Empty intellectual expressions without practical solution is even more insulting in media and celebrities debates.
We can change character of govt in 24 hrs if we want.

I wrote my arguments and solution to Justice Verma , a copy , I share with all of you.

A law cannot make govt honest. Allows punishment after judicial process.  Deterrence is aimed at. But if corrupt govern, it is useless to have strong laws or for that matter any law.

So character of governance matters. How do we influence it?

All of us are neither honest all the time nor sincere most of the time and leaders , police, judiciary are all from amongst us only. Our own brothers and sisters. We are human and fallible. Accept.

You must make system such that it is impossible for corrupt to encash power. The system should be such that you cannot take benefit of wrong orders quoting public policy while comfortably doing secret interpretation on file to actually sabotage our interest.

By demanding the fundamental right of Republic of India, that citizens can demand and see the process of governance. The proceedings leading to an order should be made public along with any order, by scanning and web posting all the proceedings. No order is complete without proceedings. This will empower citizens, civil groups, media, aggrieved parties to seek legal remedy in time, to disable a bad govt order before it fields undue favour ton someone.

What is needed, a mere executive action of Modification to Govt. Business Rules, directing that every government order be published with scanned proceedings leading to that order in complete. 

We do not need any additional Act.

Then only we can call ourselves Republic of India. Today we are not in reality, but only on paper.
Then corrupt find govt power useless to make money. Do that. Then no corrupt will fund elections because they cannot make money out of it. 

Once corrupt are not in the fray for power, only those interested in public service will come to govt. That changes the character of govt from corrupt to honest. Law and order then acquire real teeth and life.

Understand this to change our society. No law however well made can save society under corrupt govt.

It is not obvious to see the link between secret file covers of govt and the rapes in the country. So we keep administering  medicine to treat wrongly diagnosed disease. Stronger law, increased police force etc etc.. yielding no result.

If you do not understand even now, then then society will keep having rape an hour and murder every two hours.


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