Impossible to get honest ruler or honest population but we can assure public interest !

Things were not hunky dory even in ancient times. It is in the swabhava and distribution randomly of various types of people in any given population

Women were abducted , forced against will from ancient times, treated as property along with cows and gold. Conquering armies indulged in molesting women folk of the defeated.

To escape humiliation, recent history shows , women committed mass suicide , jumping in to fire in Bharat too!

Well , a very miniscule number of people think after studying and seek answers for humanity to make them happy and what means to be adopted to avoid misery.

The oldest one said, nothing belongs to you or any body in this world. We are just granted use of all the resources, so that we may live happily, availing what is granted, doing rightful duties, but be joyous and live 100 years ! That is true only if one is not greedy to aspire for more than what is allocated for him.

Such a simple concept. But in all ages, including Ram's time and even earlier, to today, we find few follow this tenet to be happy as a matter of right actually, by simply doing your duties and enjoy full life with what is allocated to be enjoyed.

Greedy, with a little power in hand , we steal what is due to others, accumulate for self and progeny, make life generally miserable to all others including own self.

We find not a single one having joy without pain.

Mind and terrible ignorance of reality of life and it's purpose, we have educated useful idiots all round relishing in plain stupidity like pigs in mud bath.

One should relentlessly try to study, think, analyze, and to his best of abilities , discover solution and path, suitable for current time an
d space, and then try to communicate to as many as possible to make the change in life.

It is hard. But those who know but keeping mum, is more criminal than the criminal himself.

Democracy is the only acceptable form of governance in this age, with all it's deficiencies.

How do we make it unattractive to any one not interested in public service?

By making the power useless to do anything other than public service, is my answer.

Any one having any other agenda other than public service should find a systemic check on his activity in govt, which prevents him from getting benefit of any kind for self.

This can be achieved by simple method of making public govt file along with order.

What Supreme Court cannot do like interpreting law in secrecy, today govt executive can, in secrecy , keeping the file hidden from public and even parliamentarians, but issue orders. Every time an order is issued it is by applying some law or a public policy or rule made under law , to a certain set of facts. Since executive can work in secrecy, he can merrily misinterpret.

It is like being secretly closeted with a beautiful lass, and activity which tales place there, cannot be found out. Many humans fail one day or the other.

Remove this secrecy , which is prone for causing rape of public interest. Then bad guys won't seek power.

Why? Before they can benefit, public scrutiny , by law of averages, will prevent a bad order against public interest , taking effect.

Well De Bano kind of thinking gives you this solution.

We cannot find absolutely honest ruler , elected by honest electorate, an almost impossible situation. However it is possible to repel those who do not have public interest as their primary objective to seek power, by making power useless for doing anything other than public service. Then we can at least assure public interest. Our purpose served.

Amazing is both rulers, understandable, but victims also cannot see value of this simple measure, which is sad fate of India.

Rajaram Bojji  FIE., FNAE
+91 9885700007


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