Retrospecting about my country while in USA

I keep thinking of my country so rich in resources and human capital but so poor in organising and managing to unlock the value! The political and administrative structure has effectively blocked all honest technologically innovative initiatives in favour of imports from abroad. The fact that Indian accounts in swiss banks hold US$ 1.4 trillion as published in press speaks volumes. No wonder our technologies of Skybus or Anti-collision device network take pretty long time to be implemented quickly, because our own administrative structure which has to deliver, is more anxious to get from abroad what is needed and view Indian initiatives with disdain. The common man ishelpless and continues to lose his wealth and gets more and more burdened with national debt. Further the inflation is fueled by unproductive expenditures by the government and we see the results today. When will wisdom dawn in our rulers that they cannot become wealthy by making people poor- that is an unsustainable economic policy!Like China's rulers who are working for their nation building, why not India too work to build up our nation?


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