2012..what I foresee in relation to Maya prediction and other UC Berkeley scientists too that humans are in danger of becoming extinct!

Our ancients say we are only 5000 years into the 432000 years of the Kali Yuga, in this Manvantara( 28th?) each Manvantara about some 10x 432000 years.. so the destructive phase is still more than 425000 years away.

Well these numbers are quite beyond my perception of time which I can experience.

Even Maya prediction suffers from interpretation issues..one version is a life style change, a shift in values and power centers of the planet to affect human life in a big way is expected to be triggered. Like the Mayans' own way of life and their calendar were sort of gone out of existence due to external aggression and new value systems got imposed on them years ago.

Let us imagine what can suddenly alter our value systems? Well I am always amused at the ferocity with which gay marriage and union seems to have attained a position of such importance today in the society in many a country and such same sex marriage is called hard won freedom by the TV and even BBC channels ...More often than hunger killing people, the media is covering this gay issue more if you listen to the channels around the planet!

So gays and lesbians will take over power starting from 2012? Well it will be certainly a shift in the human outlook.

May be another serious area of concern is what is right and what is wrong and what is the truth when we media reports about some event and present their analysis. The influence of sophisticated perception management techniques, already successfully able to alter perceptions of human groups to think and make them move in a desired direction by the powers that be or those with enough resources to engage such services.

The face of war with arms and direct confrontation of assigned armed groups wearing well defined uniforms and choosing also the place to fight with each other, so that other innocent habitants of planet are not exposed to the collateral damage seems to be altering. may be the new era will be such that faceless wars will take off-- no uniforms, no nominated place, no concern for innocent habitants. More widely spread terrorism based approach, every other man living next door could be a danger to the community suddenly inspired by a trigger within his mental process, well programmed by some groups with a thinking processes which progressively converts a normal man into a devil - to kill not only himself but a score of others. What is the purpose? Yes, this can be also a diffused goal, generally pointing in the direction of getting fulfillment by thinking that he has given the supreme sacrifice for a larger cause for improving the human lot some time in future. Then what is the motivation of the group who sow such seeds all round? They actually are the group of similar thinking persons, with no self interest except create similar thinking people to sacrifice themselves for some glorious future for mankind in some distant future.

Perhaps this type of persons with the altered mindsets will reach a critical mass in terms of numbers, by 2012, and will become a much more wide spread malaise both inside and outside the state organs. Once the state organs also are infected the society will have more and more of suffering.

What I reckon is that the wars are more with mind and sowing the seeds of a self-extracting programmes launching at a particular time in future so that critical mass is achieved to trigger uncontrollable self-destructive cycle.

Are we seeing some indications already? Warning signs are there already.

So a deadly society can evolve starting from 2012 at a faster pace, but will we able to reverse the same in time to preserve some sense of balance?

If we want to enable the future society to be enabled to handle this crisis, effort is needed to prevent development of the critical mass of persons with self programmed trigger mechanisms.

Then the financial and economic world order we have created. The lack of ethics and simple greed and self-centered approach has now shaken the very foundations of our structures and there is crisis of confidence. Self criticism that corporate governance norms are thrown overboard is common after debacles. Dubai World is the latest. All over the world almost for the last one year, the taxpayers' money is being used to prop up the structures which permit efficient trade in the world. Just think of it, human history is replete with efforts of a few to monopolise the trade to gain advantage at the cost of others. Shipping lanes get controlled and camel trails too a century back if we look back.

With an irrecoverable crash of the network of computers or totally corrupted data bases because of fast spreading virus, may be one group which wants to destroy the world order created the virus with some aid from greedy insiders, the entire financial and trade structure of the world can be in thrown in to a tantrum. This may force the nations to redefine the very currency and standard modes of trade for goods and services. I can imagine very dangerous chaotic situation for all on the planet and no wonder some powerful nations will not hesitate to use the force at their command to go back to the old ways of subjugating weaker ones for their exploitation. A bloodshed follows.

Well either way whatever be the case, human race and the planet will be there to do all or some of the acts and things described above.

But at the same time a large number of people on the planet are shifting to become more religious and spend time in prayers. May be this group will exert the positive influence in the society, and enable overcoming the turmoil if it arises, to protect the humans and the planet as we loved and enjoyed in our time.



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