I and Satyam

What I understand is when one loses the "moham" even for "moksha", gets over "mind" and its tricks, becomes part of the "kreeda" vishesha lakshanam of the creator, & like HIM, remains eternally in "jnana aananda" perhaps he becomes paramahamsa..is my take on the complex issue.Ultimately it is what one is within-external appearance is deceptive.
I personally feel each one of us through Matsya avatara to current time- existed after being brought out from the Lord's protective "udaram" , not a fraction of second separated from His protection, while passing through many shapes and lives(84 lac species), constantly driven by urge to understand why and how we are here and who are we.

As permanent as the Lord Himself, each one of us constantly enjoy His loving care. A birth or death makes no difference . Millions of transformations keep occurring. Purpose? Lord Himself truly has no use.

But the journey on the path of our effort to realise self is the opportunity created- and if urge is there to seek the "satyam", slowly, steadily but surely it will get revealed by HIS grace only.

I am just like any one else a fellow traveler, who is as much the light speck of the Lord Krishna as I am, and so deserves to be respected, trying to share with humility whatever I can ,and seeking and learning humbly from every one I meet or hear, with the same urge to realise the "Satyam" by meditating and contemplating, while serving the fellow specks of Lord Krishna, around us, with whatever competencies granted to us by HIM, to provide "jnana" or material help to the needy, again as a matter of His will only.

The truth is revealed only through meditation and internal purification getting over our mind and the judgmental intellect and avoiding the fog of blind superstitious ignorance.

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu!


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