NCTC & Corruption

Wish one serious aspect of the terrorist funding and arms trade route as well as the money laundering route of the corrupt state heads, criss crossing with each other is not forgotten.

If a state has a history of stealing from nation for private stashing out of the country, then terrorists do have a leverage with such states. The compromised heads can never act as honest as they make public utterances. The US agencies identified this serious problem which helps the terrorism. In India, by the mechanism of keeping the files secret but make public orders, hiding arbitrary& bad nature of the order, corrupt generate massive amounts of black money. This has to take the same route as the terrorists use. We get a compromised state.

It is not just NCTC- The corrupt in power can now use this against innocents,not necessarily against the terrorists.

First we must remove this very innocent looking mundane practice of keeping file secret and order public. We must get both file and order published by the Government by exposing this abuse of administration, which has been inherited from the British. This also causes justice to be denied to the aggrieved by denying the needed papers from the file, to get relief from a court. A serious violation of constitutional right to the citizen of the country. So we should get this distortion in administration corrected.

Then the corrupt will lose incentive to rush for government power, because unfair orders will get stayed anyway. It becomes difficult for them to work in government.

Only public service is possible. So corrupt will leave. Then only those honest who want to do public service will aspire for government power.

The terrorist will then have no leverage with those in state power, because the black money flow will not be from the state power seats.

Then NCTC will be the most effective instrument.

Else it will be another state tool to threaten honest citizens and activists.


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