Why blame religion for bad behaviour of those who do not follow the tenets of own religion?

Of late I had been reading various comments on corruption in India. I am a little disturbed by attacking the religions for poor moral values of individuals who do not follow truly any religion. While I believe no religion teaches any of its followers to steal or cheat or live dishonestly, it is the people who claim to follow the religion but actually are thieves and murderers in disguise. To blame them how do our respected group getting to attack by name of a particular religion? There are enough bad guys in all religions and irrespective of caste and creed both good and bad people occur. Wholesale condemnation or self deprecation is not called for. Ridicule also is irrational. The first mantram said to be uttered 2.1 b years ago in Esavashopanishat comes to my mind. EshavAsyam idam yat kincha jagtyAm jagat tEna tyaktEna bhunjithA mAgridhah kasya swiddhanam ! Translated freely, means the entire universe and every tiny part of it is of the creator and only belongs to Him. What you get allocated you enjoy - but do not try to be greedy and aspire for more- it is not your wealth and all belongs to Lord only. Then again if you read Anushasana Parva of Sri Maha Bharata , the detailed Raj dharma, disciplined life one has to lead are all described so very well, including punishments for even mental acts of violence and aspiring for more than one deserves. Bhagavad Gita of course describes what a Satwick person is and how one should live while also describing the traits and thinking of the tamasa -- a very greedy self-interest driven crowd too. Practically all of us have been well categorised. Just because we find many to be in tamasic nature today, how religion becomes responsible? We hardly get any education in understanding our scriptures nor spend those years of study needed to get a hang of it. But happily and confidently we do not hesitate to pass comments as if we know so much. As far as I am concerned bad individuals in any religion do not represent the religion- they may even construct churches or temples or dargas but only to make money for themselves exploiting the majority of the innocents. Blame them for their moral turpitude but the faithful who believe and come to donate are not corrupt. Please think over . Kindly do not blame any religion for our ills. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our educational systems where we hardly have any foundation laid for living properly with values. Uneducated tribals have better values. They may worship Kali in jungles but do have better values than many of our highly paid MBA graduates flooding the Banks and Financial institutions all over the world.


Unknown said…
Truly Said. Very Well articulated and must read

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