I and the universe

When in school, some of us used to make fun of what is the point to know that Ashoka, some guy in past had planted trees along roads and constructed some resting places for people on move. Why do we need to know now? Unfortunately we must learn and write the test paper to get our marks. Such useless knowledge!

Well at every stage of life one has different perception of knowledge, again based on understanding of knowledge gained.

The dance of our own mental reactions to every idea of others is what we basically enjoy.

It is very critical as to in which avatar we view an event or situation. As an inquirer to learn, or to pass judgment . We are prisoners of our own prejudices.

I find as we gain more and more experience of what we learn, wisdom lies in refusing to judge but remain a humble scholar.

While in school I had more confidence to judge. With time the judgmental attitude is waning for me.

So as a mere learner , I do appreciate and wonder how some of our celebrated highly learned minds see the world around and am grateful when they choose to share the reactions of their mind.

The reactions are real and true. The spectrum of colorful reflections is amazing.

Considering that we are using 500 years of accumulated knowledge tools , to learn first , what thousands of years of accumulated knowledge used to be, all our understanding will be limited to own boundaries of experience and learning. And when we move from part to whole, extrapolation necessarily means , speculation of what it could be.

So long as we are bound by physical world, to cosmic whole will remain in the realm of speculation , I feel. A few forays through  conditioned brains seeking consistency may give satisfaction to the individual, but it is unlikely to be the truth.

Finally it is "neti" , "neti", "neti".

The grandeur of the world and the persistence of human mind and its intellect constantly remind me how small a speck I am and in humility makes me bow to those great knowledge seekers who want to enlighten the humanity lost in day to miseries and petty joys of one up man ship in day to day life.


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