I and the Universe!

Even today amongst us there are persons who are quiet and thoughtful, who do not speak out much, gentle, compassionate, never get angry, nor lose temper, give wise counsel when needed but never attempt to prevail or force themselves on others, praise they take equally nonchalantly as humiliation, truthful, on rare occasions try to tell some thing more about what they are aware but stop when they find the impossibility of communicating the same to even believers leave alone non-believers, and they remain so nondescript by modern standards!

For the universe whether a human agrees or not is immaterial, but it is amazing to see humans acting with such snobbish approach, saying "I don't believe, I don't accept" ---as if the universe is waiting for this gentleman's approval to proceed!

The fact of the matter is displaying cheap magic is not the way universe functions, the universe itself is the magic and so full of mysteries beyond our imagination but how can a blind man appreciate beauty of the millions of stars on the firmament!

How much I wish we realise and unlock one single hidden ability of us humans, the over powering emotion of un-conditional love for all the living and non-living !

Then rest of understanding the universe automatically follows- and even that becomes may be, immaterial, if you reach that state!


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