Post hoc ergo propter hoc

After this therefore because of this is a logical error while establishing cause and effect relationship 
particularly in multi-dimensional and long cycle of 10k years spread natural phenomena.

Observed facts and our mental effort to connect has to carefully factor in this aspect. Earlier ice age occurrence pole shifts which have left footprints in fossil world also are strong scientific evidence that 
has to be explained by causes other than humans contribution to raising or dropping temperatures.
In the cosmic world the magnitude of forces at play and energy deployed appear even by our own perception many orders larger and mammoth than what we can imagine. Even if we burn fuels 10 times or more it is almost like a firefly trying to compete with a small torch light comparatively.Sometimes I wonder what is inevitable following the natural cycles dictated by interplanetary forces, we humans with inflated egos and overstated but less than honest application of scientific evidence based conclusions, are creating 
a false diagnosis.

Instead we should prepare to invest in programmes for developing systems and infrastructure for protecting
human species and others in the inevitable eventuality of climate changes. Shift away in a planned manner over next 50 years from projected vulnerable geographical regions our habitats . Develop new standards and designs to meet redefined climatic factors.


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