Mumbai/ Bombay India's First "Minimum City"

I was reading Patralekha Chatterjee's article recently about how Mumbai can be reduced by a fringe political party into a shrinking cowering city with all the great national icons of from Maharashtra just cringing and showing a total lack of national spirit. I wonder what happened to the beautiful and proud legacy of Shivaji, Balagangadhar Tilak, Babasaheb Ambedkar and many a national leader who emerged from Maharashtra! Current leaders are reducing Maharashtrians to a mere third rate job seekers who think some one else is stealing their jobs!! What a pity from being leaders of the nation and rulers to fall to this dismal levels that a student in exam hall gets attacked and hurt and a simple labourer , a citizen of India, gets lynched motivated by the leadership! On top the leaders lack the courage to admit what they have done and disown responsibility too. I am proud of Matathas, their valour and respect for human values. This generation is seeing the a total disintegration of the values and principles. It takes decades to build up but a few days to destroy. The business will quietly move out to Dubai which is close by from Mumbai- like SRK is doing, and it is not Shanghai in Mumbai but a shanty town we will see, with more locals going around without jobs.Then the leaders will have glorified Dharavi, talking about past glories in the evenings - the streets empty with sporadic traffic! May be Mittal is right to stay in London! Many will follow suit. Patralekha Chatterjee ( Deccan Chronicle DT. 3 Nov 08) has written well.


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