Seemingly Complex concerns can have simple solutions!

Reference Scientific American article on Force Fields( 4th Nov.08) : My gut feeling is the vast energies of the cosmic origin, shaped the system we see over millions and millions of human years. It looks ridiculous for a small tiny speck, our planet earth, and its inhabitants to attempt to redefine the force fields with little understanding. But it is exciting to keep on wondering at the discoveries we daily make in our little world with limited reach allowed to us by our extremely constricted tools of senses aided by imagination and conditioned intelligence! That is why we keep on contradicting our once highly laudable scientific truths and dust off again as time progresses, and go back to them! Best is to enjoy the process as long as it lasts! The simple gravity force we have all round us, we don't know much. But I discovered that with stops at 450m, peak speed of 108 kmph, and average speed of 54 kmph, we can have urban transportation on our planet, which can be powered by gravity alone up to 98.65%, if it is rail based transportation! But this means described in a US patent application (12184151 lying with editors of Sciam), which merely needs simple variable gear systems and steel cable with microprocessor based control systems, following only the Newton's classic mechanics, does not excite our editors of journals nor the esoteric particle physics researchers, being unglamorous in scientific terms.But USA can avoid import of 10m barrels of oil daily, by adopting the Gravity Power Towers! This has much more serious practical application to stop global warming and making our life much better qualitatively at much lower prices than the endless search with huge funds invested into other forms of energy. The pre-generated, pre-distributed gravity as source of energy readily available to humans as a gift from our own mother earth, does not need federal research grants--- we can use now! That is the problem or challenge is a matter of our introspection. The real challenge or problem is actually our own mental inertia incapable of belief that actually seemingly complex problems can have simple solutions.


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